October 30, 2014

Painting With Fire

This guy Patrick Peris uses fire to burn black soot stains then paints over the top of the burn marks with whatever comes into his head at that very moment. What a fucking show-off. See more of his work on his website.
Spotted at TIC

Another Time-Lapse Video. Sorry.

Nicolaus Wegner spent 5 months photographing all types of severe weather in Wyoming, Montana, South Dakota, Nebraska, and Colorado. There's a little bit of everything in here from rainbows to tornadoes, and it's amazing.

October 29, 2014

October 27, 2014

The Best Thing On The Internet, For The Next Few Days At Least.

In this superbly edited new music video for Roy Kafri’s ‘Mayokero,’ famous album covers including photos of Madonna, the Beatles, Michael Jackson, and Bob Dylan seemingly come to life and begin singing. 
Spotted at TIC

Lung Capacity - Smoker vs Non-Smoker

So, yea, this is something you might want to give up if you haven't already.

October 25, 2014

Run The Jewels 2 - download

Last years BEST album has a sequel! And it's been made available free for download on the same day as the Kiwis smashing the Kangaroos and me getting married. Perfect.

DOWNLOAD LINK: Run The Jewels 2

October 13, 2014

Paper Airplane Gun

Everybody bow down to to the really cool dad, or pedo, who made a gun capable of folding paper darts and then firing them.

There's No Excuses For A Bad Haircut When You Cut It Yourself

Because if you want something done right...

October 2, 2014